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Revised at: 08-01-08

Rob en Lous

van Heelsbergen


Where? On vacation in South-Africa!
Link to heavenLink to heaven

Rob's interests:
Joining bands as amateur Jazz  pianistRecording (small studio),  AudioReal sounds (midi), Tinnitus (Crazy making ear sounds),  Internet.

A lot about Jazz and Links
Het "RealBook"Jazz Cafe Banner
The Vanilla Book Accoorden

spelen in:
Jazz CafeGouden Bal Embleem

Lous'es interests:
Alternative Medicines,  Foot reflex zone therapy,  Homeopathy AstrologyUniversal EnergyGardening.

The "links" on this homepage will be dedicated to the above mentioned subjects. We hope you enjoy them. If you have suggestion they are welcome. If links don't work, let us know. The piano, jazz and tinnitus subjects will be the principal part of the subjects. Below a preliminary taste.

Real piano sound cannot be produced by a speaker system...., but if you want to come close with a digital piano you have to make a choice from the numerous sounds available. So you may want to hear some different piano sounds (MP3) and to read an interesting article (see below-Discussion +more MP3) and my opinion:

Digital Piano Shootout Page with many e-piano sounds
Kawai: StagePiano-MP9000
Korg: Portable DP SP500
Kurzweil: MicroPiano, MasterKB-PC88,     MasterKB-PC2
Oberheim soundmod.: MiniGrand DP Expander
General music:     Real-P-Exp.V1.13, Real-P-Exp.Stream, (Discussion+MP3's)
Roland (Benelux): Stage-RD600, JV/XP WaveExpander
Yamaha (Germany): Stage-P250, Stage-P100, GrandP.GT2, Stage-P100-EQ, Stage-P100-EQ-stream
Tascamgiga (cdrom): GigaPiano
Postpristina      (cdrom): Perfectpiano
WilliamCoakley (cdrom): ClassicalPerfectPiano
Steinway-C Grnd (cdrom): True Steinway, Sampled Steinway
GrandP. One (unzip2MP3): Classical-ExpressiveJazz-Live

Gretsch Combo leden


The Eindhovense Jazzclub =>

Symbool van Osje

During the periode from '91 untill '01 I joined this band: Homepage Nods

Old Formation

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